Friday, February 24, 2006

Chowan County Republican Convention
March 11th

The Chowan County Republican Convention will be held at the Town Council Chambers in Edenton at 11:00 AM on Saturday March 11th.

This meeting will be held for the election of delegates to the district and state conventions. Larry McLaughlin asks that all precincts should check to see if they have anyone who might be interested in attending the District I convention in Washington, N.C. on April 29th or the N. C. convention in New Bern on June 2-4 and be prepared to nominate them at this meeting.

For any questions, please contact Larry McLaughlin, Chairman, Chowan County Republican Party, at (252) 482-5925.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Windsor's Irish Souper Bowl - Coming Soon!

Great night - Great food - Great Art - Great Music!

The Bertie County Arts Council is having its annual Irish Souper Bowl on March 11th at 6:00 PM. This special St. Patrick's Day event is the highlight of Windsor.

The Hunt Family Fiddlers will once again provide entertainment!

Hunt Family Fiddlers

The event features, as always, an authentic Irish Dinner of corned beef and cabbage, potato soup, homemade bread and dessert. This is a great way to get in the mood for Saint Patrick's Day. Each participant will receive a hand painted ceramic bowl created by Bertie County Arts Council members! The bowls are on display at the Bertie County Arts Center, 124 S. King Street, Windsor, NC, and as always are spectacular.

Some Of This Years Bowls, On Display In The "Art Center" Window

These Unique Hand Made and Kiln Fired Bowls Are A Special Memento

The Irish Souper Bowl begins at 6:00 PM, on March 111h, 2006. The location will be the Bertie Senior Center on School Street in Windsor. Tickets are $25 for adults and $12 for children age 8 and under. Anyone interested may contact BCAC by telephone at (252) 794-9402 , or email to

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"Life Goes On" Photosite

We have posted a large number of photos taken during the play and the rehearsals of "Life Goes On" for people to remember the play by. Cast, crew and audience are invited to visit the site and enjoy the memories again. Please click on the title above or the hyperlink below for the Photosite for the play.

This play, put on by the Gates County Historical Society was considered a resounding success, and it raised a large contribution for the restoration of the Old Gates County Courthouse. Thanks to all who participated or attended.

Cast And Crew From "Life Goes On"

Please note: The best way to view the photosite is to click on the button "view slideshow". It shows the photos full size, and you can change the speed of viewing at the bottom right to move as quickly or as slowly as you wish through the album. You can also order copies of any picture that you like, or download them free to your computer from the Photosite. Enjoy!