Civitas Institute Poll Of NC
Republican Gubernatorial Candidates
In conjunction with their Conservative Leadership Conference held in Raleigh this weekend the Civitas Institute conducted a poll of attendees to determine their preferences for Governor. The results based on a verbal announcement at the conference are:
First Choice - Fred Smith - 62%
Second Choice - Bob Orr - 24%
Third Choice - Bill Graham - 9%
Check out the articles on the conference by clicking on the title above.
[Update 11:20 AM ]
[Following is the complete text of an email I just received]
Republican Straw Poll, Results Released
For Immediate Release – April 28, 2007
In a straw poll conducted during the Civitas Institute’s Conservative Leadership Conference, 34.8 percent of the 400-plus attendees favor Rudy Giuliani for President and 62.4 percent favor Fred Smith for Governor.
Twelve Republican presidential candidates were listed on the straw poll ballot. Rudi Giuliani came in first (34.8%), followed by Fred Thompson (23%), Newt Gingrich (14.2%), Mike Huckabee (8.4%), Mitt Romney (7.1%), Tom Tancredo (5.2%), Duncan Hunter (2.6%), Ron Paul (2.6%), Tommy Thompson (1%), John McCain (1%), Sam Brownback (0%) and Jim Gilmore (0%).
On the Republican gubernatorial straw poll ballot [three candidates were listed]. Fred Smith (62.4%) [finished] first, followed by Bob Orr (24.7%) and Bill Graham (8.5%).
The Conservative Leadership Conference is a two-day event conducted annually by the Civitas Institute to instruct and energize North Carolina conservatives.
Civitas Institute
225 Hillsborough St., Suite 130
919.834.2099(P) 919.834.2350(F)