Sunday, April 29, 2007

Civitas Institute Poll Of NC
Republican Gubernatorial Candidates

In conjunction with their Conservative Leadership Conference held in Raleigh this weekend the Civitas Institute conducted a poll of attendees to determine their preferences for Governor. The results based on a verbal announcement at the conference are:

First Choice - Fred Smith - 62%
Second Choice - Bob Orr - 24%
Third Choice - Bill Graham - 9%

Check out the articles on the conference by clicking on the title above.

[Update 11:20 AM ]

[Following is the complete text of an email I just received]

Republican Straw Poll, Results Released

For Immediate Release – April 28, 2007
In a straw poll conducted during the Civitas Institute’s Conservative Leadership Conference, 34.8 percent of the 400-plus attendees favor Rudy Giuliani for President and 62.4 percent favor Fred Smith for Governor.

Twelve Republican presidential candidates were listed on the straw poll ballot. Rudi Giuliani came in first (34.8%), followed by Fred Thompson (23%), Newt Gingrich (14.2%), Mike Huckabee (8.4%), Mitt Romney (7.1%), Tom Tancredo (5.2%), Duncan Hunter (2.6%), Ron Paul (2.6%), Tommy Thompson (1%), John McCain (1%), Sam Brownback (0%) and Jim Gilmore (0%).

On the Republican gubernatorial straw poll ballot [three candidates were listed]. Fred Smith (62.4%) [finished] first, followed by Bob Orr (24.7%) and Bill Graham (8.5%).

The Conservative Leadership Conference is a two-day event conducted annually by the Civitas Institute to instruct and energize North Carolina conservatives.

Civitas Institute
225 Hillsborough St., Suite 130
919.834.2099(P) 919.834.2350(F)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wharf Landing Marina Opening

Saturday May 5th from 6-11 PM.
Free music, food and drink .

Come to the Grand Opening of the Chowan River's first new full service marina in quite a while. Located on the Chowan River in Historic Edenton, North Carolina, Wharf Landing offers the only waterfront condos in this historic area.

Click on the title to see their web site including pictures of the facility and for contact information.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Eason's Crossroads Ball Park Tryouts

One of Gates County's annual special activities is the Eason's Crossroads Ball Park league for local Gates County children. This night three of the seven divisions were having tryouts. There are divisions for Boys, 7-9, 10-12 and 13-16, Girls, 7-9, 10-12 and 13-16 and Co-Ed Tee Ball for age 4-6.

Parents and kids line up at the concessions stand to sign up and get numbers for the tryouts. Teams are selected from the players who sign up, and first time participants are "drafted" by the coaches of the various teams.

Players hang around waiting to get out on the field for the tryouts.

Bundy, League President, spent his time waiting for tryouts to start by warming up some of the players in the batting box.

Kelly, League Director, watched a few of the young players as they warmed up.

Rusty, League Vice President, was out on the field helping one of the age groups get organized for the tryouts.

First step was to get everyone assigned to a position on the field.

The focus of the first exercise was to get everyone ready to field the ball and throw it to first base.

Rusty would hit balls in rotation to all the players at their position.

After each player had gotten a turn at bat hitting a few balls, everyone lined up to learn to run the bases. In this exercise, each player would run down the first base line to first base, tag it and then turn out to jog back to the line for another turn.

It was a great night and the kids clearly had a wonderful time.

If you know of children in the area that are interested in summer league baseball, please call Kelly at (252) 465-2292, or Angie at (252) 465-4502 to get the children signed up. It is an American tradition.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Liberty and Freedom

North Carolina’s Tour of the Bill of Rights

North Carolina’s copy of the Bill of Rights, stolen from the State Capitol in 1865, and recovered in a sting operation in 2003, will come to Edenton April 19-21, during “Liberty and Freedom: North Carolina’s Tour of the Bill of Rights.” The precious copy of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution is one of only 15 known copies in existence.

Visit the Edenton Courthouse from 9 AM to 5 PM
* Thursday - April 19th
** Friday - April 20th
*** Saturday - April 21st

to see this great document that is part of our national social contract guaranteeing individual freedoms.

The Liberty and Freedom exhibit will be open at the 1767 Chowan County Courthouse, 117 East King Street, Edenton NC all three days. You can also tour this magnificent court building representing a time before we were even a nation.

There is more information about this exhibit on the Edenton Chamber web site and the NC Culture web site. Links below.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Paddle For The Border - May 6th

Paddle the historic Dismal Swamp Canal from Chesapeake, VA, to South Mills, NC, in the 3rd annual “PADDLE FOR THE BORDER,” a popular 7.5 mile trail.

“Paddle for the Border,” an annual event hosted by the Dismal Swamp Canal Welcome Center, South Mills, NC; the Dismal Swamp State Park, NC Division of Parks & Recreation; the Great Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge, Suffolk, VA; and the City of Chesapeake Parks & Recreation Department, Chesapeake, VA, will return Saturday, May 6, 2006 from 8:00 AM – 2:30 PM.

"Paddle For The Border" participants in last year's event

The premier of “Paddle for the Border” in 2004 was recognized in a number of publications and was given an award by Albemarle Rural Conservation & Development Council as a successful bi-state canoe and kayak event combining paddling and eco-tourism.

For complete information on this year’s event, please call Penny Leary-Smith at (252) 771-8333 or visit

To download the Registration Package, visit