Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Blogs and the Main Stream Media

Blog-Gate - Yes, CBS screwed up badly in ‘Memogate’ — but so did those who covered the affair
Columbia Journalism Review - By Corey Pein
"Bloggers have claimed the attack on CBS News as their Boston Tea Party, a triumph of the democratic rabble over the lazy elites of the MSM (that’s mainstream media to you)."

One Story Line About News Blogs: They Lag Far Behind Mainstream
Investor's Business Daily - By Brian Deagon
"It took Powerlineblog.com little more than two years to get its first 15 minutes of fame, but then the spotlight shone brightly."

-- Our new blog is one of many that prove the above articles missed the mark with criticism of blogs. The reality that blogs are not as powerful as the main stream media hides the new reality that they are growing explosively. There will never be a time when any major newspaper, or even a local newspaper, can focus on a community like Edenton and Chowan County as quickly as a blog. People in this area care about what is happening, and a blog is the way they can keep up with much less effort, and much less money, than any other known method. In a great irony, the second article by Brian Deagon has received so much negative press from blogs, that Investor's Business Daily pulled the article, and now the link simply pulls up an article on "Fancy Media Players". This less than 24 hours after they posted the article. Blogs are a form of giving power back to the people, and giving people the truth.


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