Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Architects of Ruin"

... hints of why Obama disses medical malpractice caps

by Mark Tapscott - September 23rd, 2009 - Wasington Examiner

Hoover Institution research fellow Peter Schweizer has a potential blockbuster of a new book hitting the shelves Oct. 6 entitled "Architects of Ruin: How Big Government liberals wrecked the global economy and how they will do it again if no one stops them." Whew, is that a mouthful of a title or what?

This article points out that Obama got $950,000 for settling a case where the defendent only got $60,000. Obama loves the trial lawyers association and the corrupt court system that paid him so handsomely for so little work. No wonder he protects them. When he retires as President, he still plans to rape America as a trial lawyer.


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