Carpenter’s Tools
- Hit The Deck Brownies
Article by Pastor Wallace Phillips
- Ahoskie, NC

It’s a busy Tuesday morning and my wife, Joy, is busy preparing brownies for her monthly meeting of Journeys: A Grief Support Group. She fixes a double batch and adds fresh southern pecans to the mix to make them even more scrumptious.
The morning is filled with activities; steady phone calls, preparation for school and work, mental rehearsing of what she’ll do in her meeting at 10:00 AM, etc. She gathers all of her red items as the February meeting is always a great time to focus on Valentine’s Day items and colors.
The buzzer goes off and she removes the pan of pecan-filled brownies from a 350 degree oven. After a little cooling time, she packs the car, and heads out the door of our home. As she steps on to the deck and reaches to pull the door shut, she loses her hold on the warm pan of brownies and …..they hit the deck..
Shaken, split, cracked, and moved toward one end of the pan….the brownies went through a stage that was not listed in the directions. Oh well, don’t cry over spilled milk. Pick ‘em up and tak’em to the church. They are going to be served one way or another.
As she places them in the car she makes a quick stop to Wal Mart to pick up some Valentine’s Day helium balloons to add to the décor for the meeting. Once she exits the door at Wal Mart, two of her helium balloons take to the sky leaving nothing but the strings in her hands. What a morning!
She arrives at the meeting….enjoys a great time of sharing and caring for those who have lost loved ones. All the guests had a marvelous time. Hot pizza from our new Dominos…cool Lipton green tea….Valentine candies that take us down memory lane…and to top off the whole meeting…….that’s right……a cool ball of vanilla ice cream on top of one of Joy’s famous “hit the deck brownies”. They were fabulous! In fact, the next time she makes a pan, I’m going to ask her to take them outside and drop the pan on the deck.
Oh…one more thing - “All things work together for the good to those who love the Lord.” This applies even when your balloons fly away and your brownies hit the deck.
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