Former NFL Star Slated For
Superbowl Weekend Of Ministry
Joe Jackson is slated to be with the Carpenter’s Shop Church for a weekend of outreach and ministry to the Ahoskie area on a weekend that is popular among sports enthusiasts; SUPER BOWL WEEKEND! Joe Jackson played with the New York Jets and the Minnesota Vikings with quarterback greats Joe Namath and Fran Tarkenton respectively. [Personal note: I got to meet Fran Trakenton when I was in the seventh grade because his Mom was my teacher. He came to our class in Atlanta his Sophomore year while quarterback at the University of Georgia.]

Pastor Wallace Phillips states, “Our ministry schedule is full this week with a variety of events sure to attract the interests of sports enthusiasts. Carpenter’s Shop begins on Saturday, January 31st with a free breakfast to all men. CSC Men’s Director, Gary Felton says, “All men are invited to join us on Saturday at the YZONE located at 417 Peacock Street in Ahoskie. Breakfast starts promptly at 9:00 AM and is free to all.”
This will be Jackson’s first ministry event for the weekend. He will share with the men his personal vision. Jackson states, “My vision is the vision of our Lord who said, ‘I come not to be served, but to serve and give my life as a ransom for others.’” Jackson encourages all men to join together for a special time of Christian fellowship and inspiration.
Second on the list of opportunities is the Sunday morning worship service at Carpenter’s Shop Church. Jackson will be the guest speaker for one joint service at the church located on South CC Road in Ahoskie. Service time is 9:30 A.M. on February 1st.
Pastor Wallace Phillips states, “We are asking everyone to join us in wearing a sports tee shirt, sweatshirt, or jersey of your favorite sports team. The sanctuary will be clad with Joe Jackson’s former banners and colors; purple and yellow for the Minnesota Vikings and green and white for the New York Jets.
Door prizes will be given away and Jackson will bring the morning message. Phillips added, “We are making every effort to welcome this NFL star to our city.” The public is invited to attend all of the services.
The weekend concludes with a Super Bowl Party at the YZONE Youth Center on 417 Peacock Street. Doors open at 4:00 P.M. and close after the NFL season finale. A full snack bar is available and the game will be presented on the center’s 60 inch flat screens with surround sound. Admission is free.
For further information you may call the church office at (252) 332-6113.
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