The Carpenter’s Tools
- Finally … Some GOOD News?
Article by Pastor Wallace Phillips
- Ahoskie, NC

Hey, hey, hey! Did you hear about the crash and splash landing of US Airways Flight 1549? I know you did. I could not believe it; finally some good news on the tube. It is so amazing that even the media used the word “miraculous”. Now I think that’s a miracle!
In a world that is laden with news such as Israel / Palestine problems…..a global economic demise….a hidden terrorist mastermind …..lost jobs…..murders…..robberies….and the list goes on we finally find a story that the whole world is talking about and calling a miracle. I love it!
It’s so good to hear the chatter of good news. And then I stop to realize that we believers are products of the good news – “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners!” Paul reminds us of this good news and then adds….”of whom I am chief.” He took the initiative to remind us that he was a sinner and then told the church at Rome that “we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”
The good news is that God so loved us that he gave His Son to die in our stead. He took upon himself the sin of the whole world. And when he died on the cross of Calvary, he made a life saving move that was greater than that of flight 1549. Yes, it’s good news that 155 were saved on that great day. But the greatest news is that Jesus came to save “whosoever will believe on Him.”
Trust His good news today.
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