It's FAIR Time!
Next week is the Chowan County Regional Fair. They advertise it under "Harvest Time, Fair Time, Fun Time" and it is all of that. Fairs are the most human of enterprises, going back thousands of years. They continue to hold our imagination because there has never been anything invented that is more fun for the whole family than going to the fair.
Chowan County Regional Fair
The Chowan County Regional Fair last for five days, from Tuesday September 26th until Saturday September 30th, 2006.
They have a great web site to advertise the fair. You can go there by clicking on the title above or clicking here.
Do you want to participate? Then click here.
Need a map? Then click here.
Fairs are great and this is the best one in our area. Hope to see you there. The Patriot Blogs will be there taking pictures of everyone having fun. Come say "hi" if you see me out there!