Snooker's Grille Used For
Local Campaign Stop In 2008 Race!
2008 already? Yes. Bob Crumley, conservative candidate for Attorney General in 2008 was at Snooker's Grille this morning to talk with people about his campaign. Mr. Crumley subheads his campaign brochures with "Experienced Conservative Leadership for Attorney General". Mr. Crumley graduated from Appalachian State University and Wake Forest Law School.

Snooker's Grille On Broad Street In Edenton
A long time resident of Asherboro North Carolina, Mr. Crumley has been an attorney, businessman and realtor in that area. He served as Randolph County Manager and Randolph County Attorney before opening his own law firm in 1989. He now has law offices all across the state of North Carolina.

There Was A Nice Turnout For The Early Morning Event
He at least is creative, spending a portion of his time speaking this morning about the possibility of North Carolina suing Mexico for their failure to live up to NAFTA.

Bob Crumley Running For Attorney General Addresses Chowan County Crowd
He is a very articulate man and could well be our next Attorney General. We appreciated him coming to our area to talk about the state's problems and his view of solutions.
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